Yeshiva Ktana of Passaic

Bnos Bracha Elementary school

Girls Division

Bnos Bracha, the Girls Division of Yeshiva Ktana of Passaic, is a place where every child can succeed. In the Religious Studies department, our enthusiastic teachers present wonderful lessons in large, airy classrooms. 

Beginning with Pre1A, our curriculum focuses on skill-based learning.

Understanding that reading is the foundation for all knowledge, our young students are guided to recognize the letters and blend them together with the vowels. Through fun group activities and one on one practice, the children gain mastery over this basic skill and will use it the rest of their lives.

Text-based Bible studies, which commence in 1st grade, have a similar goal.  Students recognize familiar words from previous exposure and are able to use decoding techniques to determine the exact meaning of each occurrence. The classes are far from pure grammatical exercises as each lesson contains an educational purpose as well as an integral connection to our moral lives. Courses on Jewish law and practices are interconnected throughout the grades as each year builds upon the knowledge learned previously.

Our Hebrew language curriculum uses the highly acclaimed “Safa Ne’ima” series to lay a solid foundation in speaking Hebrew, and to develop more fluency and understanding each subsequent year.

Extracurricular activities such as the 8th grade production and special series including the Bas Mitzvah syllabus and performance, help develop and recognize the unique qualities every student possesses. Our devoted instructors are all role models who can pass on the beauty of our heritage to the next generation in a loving and nurturing environment.

The General Studies department at Bnos Bracha prepares our students for academic excellence. Our professional educators use a variety of methods to expose the youngsters to reading readiness. Each skill is reinforced and mastered before the next skill is introduced.  With the study of reading and literature, our children develop their critical thinking as they delve not only as to what happened but why. The math curriculum encourages students to practice concepts until they are perfected and then progress to the next level. Science instruction is hands on as our teachers lead experiments in which every child participates and learns. History comes alive as the connections between the past and the present are articulated.    

Junior High students take advantage of our fully equipped technology labs to perfect their keyboarding skills and learn the popular applications.  Special projects and activities are a synthesis of many disciplines as the children research a topic and present their findings and conclusions. Core curriculum milestones are achieved and exceeded, while our devoted staff ensures that no child is left behind.

contact Bnos Bracha


Reb. Sarah Leah Weissman

General Studies

Mrs. Sharon Schloss


181 Pennington Ave
Passaic NJ 07055

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